No Gluten Ingredients
Maple Avenue Foods makes many gluten-containing products. We have Good Manufacturing Practices in place to prevent cross-contamination of allergens, but we do not perform regular gluten testing on our products, nor are any of our products certified gluten-free by and third-party organization.
Since we do not perform regular gluten product testing, we have chosen not to label our products “gluten-free,” although many of our products are made with ingredients that do not contain gluten.
Due to the fact that the vast majority of our products are sold at retail from service cases and self-service salad bars, we are aware that there is risk of gluten cross-contamination at store level. We advise customers with Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivities to exercise caution when purchasing any prepared foods at retail.
With the understanding that many consumers avoid gluten for a variety of reasons, we are providing the following list as a response to customer requests. The following items produced by Isabelle’s Kitchen are made with ingredients that do not contain gluten (wheat, barley, rye, triticale, or other related hybrid grains)